
Archive for the ‘Creation’ Category

Teaching Creation

Over the last few weeks I have been able to teach a Sunday school class to a high school group on creation. The plan was for a month and a half of teaching biblical creation. Currently I just finished teaching on the foundational doctrines in the bible and the importance of taking the creation account literally. Next week I will be focusing on the flood and the massive amount of evidence for a flood and that the bible can only support a global flood and not a local flood. I have really been stretched in my abilities. I have never been a good public speaker, in fact in high school you would be lucky to hold a conversation with me for more than five minutes. I wouldn’t say that now I am a good public speaker but I have been able to communicate fairly effectively for the past couple of weeks. I for one know that it is not me who can do these things but God working through me. One verse that I have looked to is 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”

What I have stressed and will continue to emphasis is the authority of the scriptures. Every scripture in the bible is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). That is the foundation that I look to when I look to the bible and that is how I pray I teach. Not from the fallible opinions of man but from the authority of the true and living God.

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There have been a few “creationists” who have suggested that the 2nd law of Thermodynamics was not in place before the fall of man. This is bogus, in my opinion. I think the reason they say that is because there was no death, meaning no decay of any sort. IF the 2nd law had gone to completion during the time of Adam and he had never sinned the universe would have eventually decayed if it was following the current 2nd law of thermodynamics. Now this is why they said it didn’t exist, it goes against preliminary logic to say that it did. I surmise that if the law didn’t exist in some form, reactions would not take place. For instance the reactions in our body would not take place. They are an increase in entropy which is exactly what the 2nd law is about. If that didn’t happen life would be impossible. So both extremes cannot be correct but something in the middle. What we know, if taking the bible literally, is that there was no death, meaning man would live forever without decay. So the problem is how is this possible, does the bible tell us. Not directly. We can only get a glimpse of what the world was like before the fall. We also must surmise that God was integrated into creation. If we had separated him from us through sin that means he must have first been an integral part of our domain. Something that we can never rally imagine in this world. Even though we accept Christ as Savior we don’t see Christians living forever in their physical bodies. We can not attain on our own understanding of this process. So does the bible shed light on this issue. Sort of. It doesn’t say anything directly. We get a possible glimpse in the 40 day wandering of Israel with Moses. The bible says that the neither the clothes or the sandals wore out. It also says their feet never got sores. This happened when God sustained his creation. I’m guessing that God did this and will do this when he restores the earth to its sinless state, but in a much grander scale. As far as I know this is the best answer the bible gives.

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Chem 2

After attending a seminar on Altruism and Evolution, I had a few questions for the speaker. He is an ardent evolutionist and I just wanted a response before I probed more deeply or offended him with creationism. This is what I sent him.

I attended your seminar the other day and really enjoyed it. It was not quite what I expected. Going into the seminar I know that evolution could not explain altruism, or morals for that matter. Knowing that you were an evolutionist I assumed the talk might be on how these developed from evolution. I was pleasantly suprised it was not. If I understand correctly the implications of your talk are this, while created by evolution, there is not foundation for love, as established by Darwin and others. Life comes about by the selfish act of survival of the fittest. But if this is the case why is there altruism today. I see this as a problem for atheistic scientists but it seems you have presented a solution if you add God to the equation. Evolution cannot explain love, but if God extended his hand to creation, that is why we see love in our world. So my question is this, if this is in fact what you are saying what type of responses are you getting from the scientific community? Considering that atheistic scientists consider anything including God unscientific.

P.S. I got no response

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Chem 1

I usually get extremely bored in Chemistry and my mind wanders. So I sometimes find myself doing pen tricks, spinning my pencil around my fingers or I jot down different thoughts that I have. This is the first thing that I have in my notebook.


It is mentioned that you should not take Genesis literally because God walked with Adam and Eve. While thinking of this fact my thoughts turned to Jesus. Jesus could have walked in the garden. Here is my reasoning, Jesus is God, right. We also know that he bears his scars from the crucifixion and exists in heaven in a human form. If God, Jesus is eternal why would his form be different before coming to earth, why would he be different before the fall. We are told in Genesis that God created man in his own image. Could this be mean that we look like Jesus in the physical sense. It is always assumed that this means we are spiritually alike, existing with a freewill that can love, care, ect. But why not a physical sense. It takes care of God walking in the garden. Also in the Old testament God comes to earth in a human form numerous times. No examples come to my mind at the moment. Why couldn’t this have been Jesus. It seems to make sense that Jesus maintained our physical image before he came to earth and this is why we are the way we are.

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